Thursday, July 17, 2014

pink hair DON'T care

     Another fashion week, another hair color

“I don't believe in fashion. I believe in costume. Life is too short to be same person every day.”  ― Stephanie Perkins

Fashion week is pretty much the only excuse I have for frantically jumping around from mall to mall, store to store, to grab the latest clothes, accessories and shoes, and mixing pieces with my existing collection. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting the opportunity to see designer's collections on the runway, but what excites me more is seeing the infamous street style of the attendees, and having the opportunity to dress up in a different style every day. It's basically a time for everyone to show off their creativity and true fashion sense because let's be real, no one wears 6 inch. heels, and rocks neon lipstick to work/school on the daily- and if you do, kudos!

Clothes, accessories, shoes and beauty products are important, but so are hair and nails- only chance I allow myself to get some much needed pampering. Randomly decided to go PINK this time, and so far, I'm LOVING it. Who knew pinks had more fun?! Thanks to the AMAZING Be Scene team for always taking my odd hair requests and making me look fab. <3 Linh Phan is such a talented hair stylist. He will literally take any request you have and he even gives me the confidence to try something different and BOLD each time I visit. And the chill environment with pumping music, friendly staff and other sociable customers is always a perk! Next time you're in Maryland, definitely pay him a visit (make sure to make an appointment at least a month ahead of time, he's kind of a BIG deal). 

Without further adieu, here's my new hurrrrrr and nails:

Happy fashion week! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter for live updates throughout Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim in Miami, Florida. 


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